What is Baclofen?

More commonly known under the brand names, Lioresal, Liofen, Kemstro and Gablofen. This CNS depressant is used to treat spasticity (skeletal muscle relaxant). By binding to GABA receptors, Baclofen relieves muscle spasms and tension. The GABA receptors also happen to control Dopamine production and are the primary cause of the high felt when using opioids. By binding to these receptors, some symptoms associated with withdrawals are relieved.

  • Baclofen is not an opiate, it’s rather an opioid agonist. An agonist is a drug that activates the same receptors in the brain.
  • It’s not totally safe, you can overdose on Baclofen. Resulting in coma, seizures, cardiac abnormalities and possible death.
  • Baclofen is physically addictive, dependency can develop over long term use.

Use in Addiction Treatment

Muscle relaxers have been used to treat addiction recovery in the past, but unlike most Lioresal (Baclofen) does not produce any euphoria or pleasant effects when used. It is considered non addictive and patients have not expressed and cravings after use. This may make it a better option than Suboxone, which is highly addictive.

There is even evidence proving its effectiveness in relieving Cocaine and Alcohol cravings.

The Use of Baclofen For Opiate Addiction

Plenty of studies have already been conducted on this as treatment to opioid addiction. It has also been used in conjunction with over the counter supplements to kick opiate addiction. A regime of Baclofen along with NAC (N-acetyl Cysteine) can help addicts recover with little to now withdrawals.

If you are interested in learning more on how Baclofen can help you or a loved one recover from addiction, contact a medical professional. Ask specifically for treatment involving this medication, otherwise other opioids may be prescribed. If recommended by your doctor, this may be a better and safer alternative.

Further Reading:

  • OverDose: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9606233
  • GABA Receptors: https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/teaching-packets/neurobiology-drug-addiction/section-iii-action-heroin-morphine/4-opiates-binding-to-opiate-rece